Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Diets That Burn Fat - How to Get a Six Pack Fast


If you are looking for a diet that burns fat so that you can get a six pack then you are in the right place. I was overweight by 50 pounds and I had fat coming out of every which way possible and I had absolutely no idea as to where to turn. I had no idea how I was going to burn the fat until I started to take charge of my life. You have to think to yourself you can do it. You can burn the fat, you will get the six pack. Because every single time that you doubt yourself its like your hurting yourself.

There are a few diets out there that can help you burn fat and get a six pack. I am not going to sit back here and lie to you by saying that it is easy because by all means it is not easy to get that six pack. It's going to have to take hard work and dedication.

The one diet that can help you burn fat would be the diet that eliminates all foods such as soda, bread, chips, fast food, fried food, juice and one that promotes fish, high protein intake, chicken, lean meat, green veggies. You are also going to want to include cardio in your diet and you can do this by walking for 30 minutes a day when just starting out and as you get better and better at it bump it up to 60 minutes. Remember you always want to start slow and work your way up never overwork yourself because you do not want to strain or hurt yourself.

If you are looking for a diet that can help you burn the fat then you can take a look at http://www.quickrapidweightloss.info

Or you can visit my blog at http://easysimpleweightloss.blogspot.com/

Lose Weight Fast and Easy - Hints For People Who Find it Difficult to Lose Weight

Many say that it is not possible to lose weight fast and easy. Many actually find it difficult to lose weight at all. According to many of these people, if you want to really lose weight and keep it off, you'll have to work long and hard. I agree that fast weight loss is something that is not always possible. However the statement that you will have to work long and hard does not hold in various circumstances. If you follow the right diet plan and throw in a few minutes of exercise per day, there is no need to work long and hard in order to lose weight.

There are several reasons as why some people are overweight. Few know that your metabolism rate has a major impact on your weight loss program. The fact is that people with low metabolism have a hard time in losing weight. In case you never heard of the term metabolism, it is the ability of the body to burn fat. If you have a high metabolism rate then your body has a tendency to remain slim. On the contrary, if your body has a low metabolism rate then your body has a tendency to become fat.

Having said this, blaming your metabolism for being fat and finding it difficult to lose weight is a loser's way of solving your problem. Healthy diet plans work for everybody, irrespective whether you have a high or a low metabolism. There are numerous diet plans that can tell you how to lose weight fast and easy. Some work better than others, some are easier to stick to than others, and some are less expensive than others. Whether you should buy any one of these diet plans is entirely up to you, but before you fork your money on any diet plan it is recommended that you first understand the essentials of weight loss.

The first thing you should appreciate is that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than the amount you consume. Therefore you should not eat foods that are rich in calories and this includes all junk foods / fast foods, most processed foods and foods that contain sugar. Soda drinks (soft drinks) are also bad since they contain a lot of sugar (up to 16 teaspoons in a single bottle or can). Sugar is one thing our body does not need and if you are really looking to lose weight fast and easy you should definitely cut out all sweets, cakes, muffins, doughnuts, ice-creams and so on. After all, as everyone knows, eating a lot of sweets makes you fat whilst decaying your teeth at the same time. Alcohol consumption should also be minimal since alcohol is rich in calories (while some alcohol also contains high contents of sugar). No wonder many alcohol drinkers find it difficult to lose weight!

Lose weight and start by reading through http://www.quickrapidweightloss.info

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to Lose 23 Pounds in 6 Months

Want to take a few pounds off? Tried to diet before, but it didn't work? Here's a method that works for losing weight. It does require a commitment from you and is designed to ease you into committing to losing weight.

Losing weight involves changing your eating habits and sticking to them long enough so you lose the weight you want to.

Start by understanding the math. Losing 23 pounds in 6 months is a little less than one pound of weight loss per week. Losing a pound per week sounds more reasonable, doesn't it.

Now that you have a goal and know how long to expect to take, start weighing yourself every day. That's right, step up to the scale once a day - preferably the same time every day - and weigh in. Keep a record of your daily weight. For the most consistent measurement results, weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you eat anything. Don't be very concerned with the day to day fluctuations, what is important is that you are consistently losing weight over time. Losing weight might be slow at first, but consistent action will eventually lead to consistent weight loss.

For the first week, make a goal to not eat anything after dinner. If you are like a lot of people, cutting out a late evening or night time snack might be a challenge. This is important because it gives your body a longer time till your next feeding.

Think of this. Ever get hungry in the middle of the day and ate a snack to satisfy your hunger? That's what a lot of people do. What if you are hungry during the middle of night? You probably won't do anything unless you are starved. Instead, you will sleep right through till the morning when you will wake up hungry and ready to eat. You make have gone 12 hours if you last ate at 6 PM and don't get up to 6 AM. That's 12 hours that you could been losing weight.

After doing this for seven days, congratulate yourself. You deserve to recognize the commitment you followed through on. Now decide to continue this for the next six months. You won't eat anything else after dinner for the next six months.

Starting on the seventh day, start drinking water, or more water, every day. Start by drinking at least a liter, about 34 ounces, of water each and every day. Buy a liter water bottle that you start the day with filled up. By using a water bottle, you will have a way to measure how much water you are drinking.

As time goes on, you are going to want to increase your daily water increase. While I am no medical professional and suggest that you consult with your medical professional on your health, I can tell you that my daily water intake is at least 4 liters of water - a little more than a gallon per day.

Why am I suggesting increasing your daily water consumption? Simple, it fills you up. If you are filled up on water, you won't feel like eating as much. Sure, you still can get hungry, but you are less likely to eat if you are full of water.

That's it for losing 23 pounds in six months. Start weighing yourself daily, eat less food - specifically after dinner, and drink more water.

7 Proven Weight Loss Tips For Teenagers

I'm not going to try to sell you something. All I'm going to do is give you the facts about how to lose weight through safe and successful tips. The rest is up to you.

The First and Most Important Rule of Teenage Weight Loss

1. Eat Healthily! Starvation is not the Solution

Every so often we hear about a teenage girl starving herself to reduce weight quickly in order to attend a special function, a dance or a prom. The person that I have in mind was about eighteen years old, let say her name was Brandi. Brandi wanted to loss approximately 22 pounds in 5 weeks to attend a wedding as a bridesmaid. She wanted to be noticed by by her friends, and in particular one boy.

During that time frame the most weight Brandi could have expect to lose and still maintain her health was about 10 to 12 pounds. In her effort and without getting her doctor's advice decides to starve herself. So she went off and starved herself for until her desired weight was accomplished.

What happened? Later, I learned she lost about 8 pounds within 2 weeks. During that time she developed spots all over her face and body. Yes, you guessed right, Brandi was not able to attend the wedding as a bridesmaid. Brandi spent several weeks under the care of her doctor undoing the damage she had done to her body by starving herself. Teenagers, let this incident be a warning to you! "When we stop eating, we stop giving our bodies the nutrition it requires to stay healthy and it begins t malfunction."

2. Healthy Eating is Better Than "Dieting"

The primary reason why adults experience weight problems and eventually become ill is due to them undertaking drastic measures or unhealthy weight loss diets during their teenage years. Teen Diets should not be considered until their physical growth has been completed This completion in teenagers usually occurs around 18 years of age.

Until that time teenage weight loss should not be considered without consulting your doctor. He will recommend dietitian who would be able to recommend a safe and healthy diet. A diet which would permit healthy growth and weight loss control.

3. Dieting Can Causes Health Problems in Teens?

Yes, dieting can cause health problems in teens. During your teen years, between the ages of 12-17 years, approximately 90% of your body frame structure and bone mass of an adult is laid down as a foundation. This not the time to be depriving your body of the essential vitamins which it requires like calcium, vitamins C&D.

During these years, even a short period of "strict dieting" could lead to a low bone density level. Low bone density weakens your bones in your later years; they become fragile and are susceptible to fractures and breakage.

Teen Dieting can also lead to low levels of frolic acid and iron, both of which may prevent you from becoming anemic. An anemic individual tends to be constantly tire. Their intellectual performance becomes impaired.

There are other health problems which are associated with teens undertakings "strict diets", but there are too many to mention here.

4. What Does Healthy Eating Really Mean?

Teens, as long as you eat a variety of foods, from the 5 major food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains [rice, pasta, oats etc] lean meats, dairy, low fats) in the right portions you should get all the nutrition you need.

5. Are Certain Foods are Off-Limits?

No. healthy eating doesn't mean depriving yourself of higher-calorie foods, like ice cream, pizza, cheeseburgers etc. You can enjoy all these foods and others in moderation.

6. Snack on Fruits to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Take snacks of freshly slice fruit to school with you. You can also include some Walnuts or Brazilian nuts to munch on

7. General Rule of Eating Well

Make sure that half the plate contains vegetables and the remaining half divided equally between protein (meat, eggs, beans) and carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes). When eating pizza, go easy on the cheese and pepperoni an heavy on vegetables and fruit.

How to Get Skinny Quick and Easy

Are you looking to get skinny but don't know what to do or where to start? If this sounds like you then this article is just for you. I have the information you need to lose weight -- not only lose weight, but lose weight correctly and at the same time stay healthy without starving yourself or using any one of these crazy obscene fad diets.

Here is a list of somethings that I will get into a little bit that will help you lose weight this week.

Circuit training
Eating healthy
Raw Foods
No fast food
No Soda
No Candy
Whole Grains
Lean Meat
Diet Plan
Workout buddy

All of these things here that I listed will help you loose weight and none of them require you to go down to the local drug store or GNC or vitamin store to grab the latest and greatest crash course or diet pills that cost a fortune. If in fact, these are all some really great things that can help in your weight loss process that are in fact natural and non harmful.

Never starve yourself. It's not good. I don't care if you need to loose 5 pounds in a week, you may be able to loose it but I can tell you this. When you are done starving yourself and you start eating regular again you will gain back that five pounds plus 5 more. That's just the way the human body is. It does not like to be starved. If you would like some more weight loss and diet information please see below to my resource box.

The fast and simple way to lose weight can be seen and found here at http://www.quickrapidweightloss.info

Monday, September 21, 2009

Do Not Exercise Anymore If You Want to Lose Weight! This is What You Need to Do Instead!

Yes, you heard me right, exercising is not the best way, not even a good way, to lose weight. If you don't believe me, take a few minutes and research how gym memberships and working out have absolutely sky-rocketed over the ten years or so, and how obesity has also sky-rocketed right along with it. It should be completely opposite, the percentage of people overweight and obese should be dropping like crazy. It would be if exercise actually helped people to lose weight.

There are exceptions, you might cite the show The Biggest Loser for instance, but those people work out five to six hours a day and eat virtually nothing, this is not realistic at all. This idea has officially become more mainstream because TIME magazine devoted an entire cover story to researching and reporting on this subject. They were able to show through numerous experts and studies that people that didn't exercise were similar in weight to those people that did exercise. They showed people that exercised regularly really didn't lose much weight, if any at all. Some even gained weight.

There were many reasons and theories for this, too many to really get into here, but it was a very eye-opening piece. It seems to lean towards diet and supplementation as the way to go in losing weight. One of the best supplements you can take for losing weight is goji berry supplements. They are being hailed as almost a miracle fruit in the fight against obesity. Many people are taking them and having a lot of success by doing nothing more than adding them to their daily diet regimen.

If you are interested in losing weight, no matter how much, I suggest you not only read that article in TIME, but also check out Goji Berry supplementation below, you will be surprised at what you learn.

How Do Men and Women Get a Flatter Tummy?

Now is as good time as any to take control of your life. Each day nearly all overweight people looks into the mirror and are disappointed or depressed at what they see. They look at the handles around their waists or their paunches, both of which are the result of many years of no exercise and bad eating habits. They wish that these unsightly appendages would go away and that they would have a flatter tummy. Then many of them make shallow mental resolutions to do something about what they see, but few actually take the action to do so.

Everyone wants to have a celebrity-like figure; however, the sad and painful truth is that, not everyone is gifted with it or has the discipline to accomplish it.

The BAD NEWS is that if you want to have flatter tummy, regular exercised alone will not shed those excess pounds of fat, especially around the tummy area. You have probably already experienced it yourself; that regular abdominal workout routines, even though intensive, do very little to flatten your tummy.

There are a number of factors that affect why exercise alone is never adequate:

Stress and a Poor Diet are only two factors that will render any weight loss exercise futile. Alcohol drinking is another factor, since it will trigger weight gain. Alcohol increases the cortisol level in the body which sends fat to your tummy.

The GOOD NEWS is that you can have a flatter tummy, but it requires discipline and control on your part. There are a number of factors will help you to obtain a flatter tummy, they are:

1. Aerobic Exercise - At least 30 minutes per session 3 to 4 times a week. This type of exercise increases your heart rate, and helps you lose the excess pounds.

2. Healthy Diet - Meals should consist 50% vegetables and fruit, the rest protein and low fat carbohydrate.

3. Fiber - At least 25 to 38 g in your daily diet. Fiber helps you avoid constipation, It reduces hunger by making you feel full longer.

4. Alcohol - Alcohol drinking should be avoided at all cost for the reasons stated above.

How Emotional Hunger Leads to Bad Eating Habits

Negative Eating Habits
Many people adopt bad eating habits which are based primarily on feelings and emotions. Depending on what's bugging you or keeping you happy at the time, you could quite easily make a food choice depending on your present state of mind.

The decrease or improvement of one's appetite can be influenced by a number of factors, including health problems, job loss, relationship problems, and the like. In fact, the slightest change in a person's routine can cause some changes in his or her daily diet.

Some people seek comfort in food, whenever something gets them down. This is primarily referred to as emotional or bad eating habits. Since some foods are known to boost mood, people have become more dependent on emotional eating.

Emotional eating however is not always healthy, which is why there are effective ways to deal with this type of behavior. Before you gorge on anything, it helps to identify if you are really hungry at all.

While losing weight can be done through a number of ways, including the consumption of diet pills, effectively recognizing emotional hunger can help you deal with weight gain early on.

Emotional Instability

Emotional instability tends to brings about emotional or bad eating habits, even when the person is not hungry. He or she feels the need to consume food, simply for comfort's sake. This is why it is so important for you to differentiate between physical hunger from emotional hunger.

If you know you have just eaten a few hours ago and feel hungry all the same, you might think twice about grabbing that next meal. This could merely be a compulsion to feed your emotional hunger or to use an appetite suppressant like Proactol Pills to curb physical hunger.

You need to find other ways to comfort you when you are feeling down, and not focus solely on the comfort provided by eating your favorite food. Find other avenues to use or release your energy by instead focusing your attention on other areas of interest. You can go for a short walk, read a book or a magazines or simply watch a funny movie.

The emphasis here is to distract your mind away from food as the means of satisfying your emotional stress or needs.

Focus instead on more positive ways to overcome your emotional hungers needs and instead lead a more healthy lifestyle.

Do Not Exercise Anymore If You Want to Lose Weight! This is What You Need to Do Instead!

Yes, you heard me right, exercising is not the best way, not even a good way, to lose weight. If you don't believe me, take a few minutes and research how gym memberships and working out have absolutely sky-rocketed over the ten years or so, and how obesity has also sky-rocketed right along with it. It should be completely opposite, the percentage of people overweight and obese should be dropping like crazy. It would be if exercise actually helped people to lose weight.

There are exceptions, you might cite the show The Biggest Loser for instance, but those people work out five to six hours a day and eat virtually nothing, this is not realistic at all. This idea has officially become more mainstream because TIME magazine devoted an entire cover story to researching and reporting on this subject. They were able to show through numerous experts and studies that people that didn't exercise were similar in weight to those people that did exercise. They showed people that exercised regularly really didn't lose much weight, if any at all. Some even gained weight.

There were many reasons and theories for this, too many to really get into here, but it was a very eye-opening piece. It seems to lean towards diet and supplementation as the way to go in losing weight. One of the best supplements you can take for losing weight is goji berry supplements. They are being hailed as almost a miracle fruit in the fight against obesity. Many people are taking them and having a lot of success by doing nothing more than adding them to their daily diet regimen.

If you are interested in losing weight, no matter how much, I suggest you not only read that article in TIME, but also check out Goji Berry supplementation below, you will be surprised at what you learn.

Weight Loss Secret - Get Weight Loss Motivation

It's not uncommon to start a weight loss program, but never finish it. We either ditch the diet, throw in the towel on our exercise efforts or both. Whatever the cause (and the excuses are many) it doesn't mean that you're destined for failure. Even if you've started and stopped 100 times before, this time doesn't have to end the same way.

By finding the right combination of weight loss motivation, you will find it a little easier to stick to your plan than if you rely on sheer will alone. And although maintaining proper motivation can be one of the biggest hurdles you face, there are some tips you can use to stay motivated.

1. Get Into the Groove. We all know that next to diet, exercise is vital to losing weight. To get motivated to exercise, remember that music makes you move and possibly groove. A recent study by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity found that women are more likely to stick to an exercise program if they listen to music while working out. Sites like jogtunes.com let you select your workout pace, then download playlists of songs with bpm's (beats per minute) that match your heart rate.

2. Make the Mirror Your Friend. Another way to stay motivated in losing weight is to actually face yourself in the mirror. Odd as it may sound, when you feel fat you shouldn't shun mirrors. A study in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found that mirror-exposure therapy--staring at your bod in the mirror and stifling the usual criticisms of your thighs--can improve body image, which, can help keep you committed to healthy eating.

3. Set Reasonable Goals. It is also important to set reasonable goals in order to maintain proper motivation. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight, e.g., lose 10 pounds, fit into a new outfit or for a special event. Tape them to your mirror in your bathroom and read them each morning when you wake up. This will serve as a constant reminder and help keep you on track.

4. Find Support. Support from other people can keep you motivated to lose weight. And it doesn't have to be in a group setting. Studies show that dieters who get counseling over the phone lose just as much as those who get it face to face.

5. Reward Yourself. Plan a treat for yourself when you have had a great week or reached a particular milestone. Make it non-food related such as getting a pedicure, facial or massage. Try anything that will not only help you look better, but make you feel better as well about your great progress.

It is important to note that motivation is but one secret to weight loss success. For additional weight loss secrets to help you achieve your goals click the link below to receive a complimentary copy of "7 Secrets to Fat Loss."

How to Lose Weight For a Wedding - Don't Be a Fat Bride!

If your wedding date is approaching and you need to lose weight fast then you probably don't have time for a bridal boot camp or complicated fitness book. As someone whose been overweight, I know how stressful it can be when you're planning the biggest day of your life. Luckily, losing weight does not have to be a chore. Recently, a breakthrough diet was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show that has given overweight sufferers new hope.

The Best Bride Diet
Depending on how soon your wedding is, you can slim down into your gown in as little as a week with the acai diet. As explained by Dr. Periccone on Oprah's show, acai berry is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and metabolic boosters to burn fat. Acai fights fat in two ways: boosting the bodies metabolism and suppressing junk food cravings, and detoxifying the body from toxins and excess waste that builds up in the colon.

What Can You Expect
As someone who's taken the acai diet challenge, the first thing I noticed is that after one serving in the morning, I had plenty of energy to keep me going through the day. Unlike coffee, acai gives you a natural energy boost without the jittery effects of caffeine. Since it's all-natural, there are no harmful side effects. The problem with most fat burners is they contain lots of caffeine and stimulants, which can be harmful to the body.

Within the first week of using the acai berry diet, I was able to lose nearly 5 lbs without starvation and vigorous exercise. Just by being in control of what I ate I was able to see a huge difference. If you're looking to slim down into your wedding dress, and want an easy to follow diet then check out acai berry.

Please see http://www.quickrapidweightloss.info

Lose 15 Pounds in 20 Days - Most Effective Diet to Easily Lose a Lot of Pounds Quickly & Naturally!

Lose 15 Pounds in 20 Days - Most Effective Diet to Easily Lose a Lot of Pounds Quickly & Naturally!

I never thought it would be possible to lose 15 pounds in just 20 days until I discovered this very powerful diet. Take just 60 seconds out of your busy day to read this article and see exactly what that diet is!

First things first. After years of researching, the types of diets I have come across that I highly recommend you avoid are fad diets (low calorie, low carb, low fat, etc.) and those crazy celebrity endorsed diets that you see all over the place. Those types of diets can cause a myriad of problems including slowing down your metabolism. A slow metabolism will lead to stored body fat and rebound weight loss!

The best diet I have found to lose a lot of pounds quickly and naturally is the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

This diet will cause extreme weight loss and fat loss simply because it is based around getting your metabolism as high as possible...and keeping it that way all day long!

The two main features of this diet is the diet generator that you'll receive which will create a menu plan of foods that you'll eat during the diet. The second feature is the shifting technique that you'll discover. Once you learn the shifting technique, you will end up elevating your metabolism to the peak causing all day weight-loss and fat loss.

So, if you would like to lose 15 pounds 20 days from today easily, quickly, and 100% naturally, then I recommend you try out the calorie shifting diet today.

How to Get Skinny Quick!

Exercise will help speed up your metabolism, which in turn allows you to lose your excess weight more quickly. A lot of people try to lose weight by not eating and exercising and this is just silly. The adage that burning more calories than you take in is wrong.

All you need to do is this--eat! As soon as you wake up in the morning, be sure to eat. Also, it is crucial that you eat six times throughout the day; with extra carbs in the morning. Each meal should include some lean protein, a food with mono-unsaturated fat, and some complex carbohydrates. With your metabolism as high as it'll ever get by sticking with this diet, your body will become lean, mean, and terrific at burning fat.

Dirty air with smoke and other pollutants are around us everyday, along with all the foods that we eat being full of carcinogens and other toxins. Your body tries to safeguard you against toxins by storing them up within the fatty tissue.

In order to rid yourself of these toxins and get thin, there are a couple things you need to do. One helpful way of detoxing your body while also losing inches is using a fat burning body wrap. The benefit of this action is the increased ability your body will now possess to begin metabolizing fat.

Additionally, you will rid yourself of toxins which in turn will allow you to lose a large number of inches from your fat reserves. Getting your hopes up about being skinny and sticking with this regimen will not only help your body become its best, but it will help your mind become happier, healthier, and more relaxed.

Sure, exercise plays a crucial role in keeping thin, but your main focus should be watching what foods you are eating. Nobody should have to work out or exercise for more than twenty minutes, three days per week, if they are drinking adequate water and eating healthily. By doing these things, you can meet your goal and get skinny quick!

It actually is this easy. There's only three things you need to do to be skinny - banish toxins from your body, change your eating habits, and do a few simple exercises.

No matter how you decide to alter your lifestyle in terms of nutrition and exercise, be certain to get detox your system regularly and to get consistent exercise. Without the proper nutrition, exercise, and detoxification regimen, you may be halting your weight loss efforts before they even begin.

Dr Oz's Miracle Diet - How You Can Lose 27 Pounds in 30 Days

I know I am not the only one who thinks that keeping the pounds off can feel like mission impossible sometimes. For the past few years, I have been trying diet after diet, attempting to lose some stubborn weight that just refuses to leave.

Nothing seemed to work for me - not the South Beach Diet, not Jenny Craig, and certainly not the Atkins diet. I also tried a few local fitness programs, but I just could not seem to make the time for that, either. But now, everything has changed for me. I was finally able to lose every pound that I wanted to get rid of after I began using two products that I saw Dr. Oz feature on the Oprah Winfrey show a few weeks ago. This amazing food that he was featuring was called the Acai Berry from Brazil. It is similar in size to a common grape, and is often called a "superfood" because of the numerous health benefits this small berry contains. Along with the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, it is known for its help with losing weight fast.

Dr. Oz went on to say that every person he advised to eat the Acai Berry and practice natural colon cleansing ended up losing a significant amount of weight without having to exercise at the gym all day or count every single calorie that went into their body. I wanted to test this out for myself and see if it could slim even my chubby body, so I tried the recommended Acai Berry and the colon cleanse. I was amazed at how fast I lost weight, and I did it without feeling fatigued or hungry! It actually did the opposite - I had so much new energy to last me throughout the day, making me feel more confident and also helped put me in a good mood. (I can thank all of the antioxidants and other awesome ingredients of the Acai Berry for that.) My only regret is that I did not find this miracle diet sooner. It would have saved me so much stress and pain (emotional and physical) if I had known about this years ago. The best part is that it is completely affordable and totally simple, and it definitely works!

Best Diets For Weight Loss

There have been thousands of diets for weight loss created over the years. Each month alone there are hundred's and hundred's of them published though women's magazines and other publications.

The best diet for weight loss is the one that suits your lifestyle, the one that suits your metabolism and most importantly of all, the one that you stick with. Any diet for weight loss won't work if you don't work at it.

Dieting for any length of time is not easy. If you have a lot of weight to lose then you will be dieting for a long time. Get used to the idea, because this is what will make the diet work for you. Once the brain conceives an idea the body will follow. Before you start any diet you need to do two things:

1) Get a complete physical check up and if covered by a good health care plan, ask your Doctor for a referral to a Dietician

2) Get your brain on side. All diets begin in a persons mind before the body will follow.

Some diets for weight loss are downright dangerous to a person's health long-term so be very careful of which diet you decide on if you aren't under the care of a dietician. Any diet you follow for weight loss has to include all the food groups required for good health every day and some form of physical exercise.

The food groups and quantities required every day can be found with weight watchers and I see where they currently have a special offer going right now so as a starting place I would recommend them if you are only a little bit to moderately overweight.

If you consider that you are substantially overweight, I would recommend you talk to your Doctor and investigate the possibility of laparoscopic lap banding. The only diet for weight loss that will ever work is the one that you work at!

Please see http://www.quickrapidweightloss.info

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse Diet

Acai Berry is the hottest diet of 2009. Everybody's heard of it. Everyone's talking about it. Acai has been heralded as an all natural weight loss miracle. As a single mother looking to shed a few pounds I was totally intrigued. Acai works to burn fat by providing the following:

Boosts Your Metabolism - Acai raises your metabolism allowing you to burn what you eat more efficiently. This means you'll be burning more calories and losing weight throughout the day.

Appetite Suppression - One of the biggest problems people face trying to lose weight is controlling their appetite. I now for myself, I am a big snacker and find myself constantly munching on sweets. Since I began taking Acai, I've gained control of what I eat and when. By providing natural energy to the body, there is no craving for salty and sugary foods.

Boosts Energy - Your body won't be starved during the Acai diet and your energy levels will increase.

Used in conjunction with a natural colon cleaner, you have the following added benefits:

High Fiber - Adding fiber to your diet allows you to cleanse the colon walls and flush out nasty toxins and remove bowel buildup.

Improved digestion - I used to feel bloated and lethargic every time I ate. Colon cleansing has smoothed my digestion and boosted my energy levels. Now when I eat I don't feel like I'm going to dose off and fall asleep. It also improves blood pressure and regulates cholesterol levels.

During the first week on the program I was able to lose nearly 5 lbs without drastically changing my lifestyle or eating habits. Since I began, I have taken up running and have felt so much more motivated about being in shape. Oprah's Acai berry and colon cleanse diet gave the me the kick I needed to start my weight loss program and is one of the few I've tried that's easy to follow and actually works.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Vegetarian Diet Nutrition - Know the Secret Tips and Tricks to Lose Weight the Proper Way

To simply put it, vegetarianism is a diet consisting of completely no red meat, fish and even fowl flesh. Vegetarian diet nutrition is indeed coverage of a very wide scale.

Certain proofs of these are the various groupings of vegetarians in which they eat completely different sets of food. Here are they:

Lacto-ovo vegetarians never eat animal flesh; yet, eat eggs and milk products. On the other hand, vegans do not eat all foods that came from animals, including honey. So-called raw foodists just eat raw fruits, vegetables, legumes, sprouts and nuts. Pescatarians only eat fish and seafood. Fruitarians have a diet that only includes fruits, nuts, seeds and other plant foods.

Probably, one question in your mind is, what are they getting out of following a vegetarian diet nutrition diet?

There are several reasons why an individual becomes a Vegetarian. Aside from its numerous health benefits, it is also regarded as principled way to live. Many celebrities promote this cause due to their stand against brutal practices, and some environmental disadvantages.

Most common gains that a person gets from having vegetarian diet nutrition are as follows:

- Reduced risk of heart disease.
- Improved health status of people with type 2 diabetes
- Diabetics who followed vegetarian diet lessen the need for more medications because they tend to lose weight and increase their insulin sensitivity.

Protected health from cancer when coupled with a healthy lifestyle.

In Britain, a recent study showed that 11,000 vegetarians were detected to have 20% or more mortality reduction from heart-related disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancers of the stomach, lung, pancreas, large intestine and rectum.

Are you PLAIN tired, frustrated and vexed at your efforts to LOSE WEIGHT?

Don't Blame Yourself

We are surrounded by so many FRAUDULENT weight loss diet plans/products/programs that run on artificial hype, false weight loss theories and outrageous success claims, that a great majority of them are PLAIN SCAMS and RIP OFFS.

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Why We Get Fat

By having a better understanding as to why we as humans can get pretty massive you can use it as your advantage for fat loss. We all have genetics that relate to our eating habits. We are all unique. Ever hear the saying you are what you eat? It is true.

So obviously you know by now that the way we get fat is by eating more calories than we burn. Although those calories may vary some of them can and will be stored as fat in our bodies. Then it is up to us to work the extra weight off.

Have you ever wondered that maybe it is because of our ancestors that we have the urge to eat a lot. However they did not have supermarkets like we do. Instead they had to work harder in order to be satisfied for the day. If you think about it they had more unusual eating habits than we do. They never heard of weight loss or diet programs. All they wanted was something edible to kill the long lasting hunger they had. Their bodies probably got used to it after a while. Many of them never even ate until the afternoon when an animal got hunted down.

They had to burn many calories because of the hard work it took to get meals that would be judged as disgusting today. Imagine having to go back to that tradition and eat chicken minutes after it was hunted. Remember there were no grills back then.

The bodies of our ancestors were taught to store a lot of fat so they would have energy when needed the most. Today our bodies do not need to store as much fat simply because food is plentiful. See the difference?

The other thing I wanted to cover is that when people think of a diet they think of some kind of famine. Meaning to reduce the amount of food you eat to lose weight and look better. Why? Because that is absolutely right. But many people approach "dieting" in the worst way possible. It is not like old times when famines occurred and you had to give up portions.

You do not have to eat less to get lean. In fact you need to eat a lot but in wise moderation. That is what losing fat is all about. It is about eating before you get hungry and until you get full. You can almost say that it is a skill you need to develop to be lean. It is actually and it may take some practice and getting used to. The results are great though.

So in conclusion, you need to not starve yourself like our ancestors had to do with their bodies. You need to get with the modern times of eating and use the information out there to make yourself lean. Eat a lot, but eat frequently.

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How to Lose 20 Pounds Fast and Permanently

If your weight loss goal is losing 20 pounds fast from today easily, quickly, and naturally, this article is for you. It's not realistic but many ladies still want to lose 20 pounds in 1-2 weeks. Remember that extremely weight loss method is effective but no one can guarantee that you will lose that fat permanently. Because you just lose some water weight, unlike body fat, water weight is easy to get rid of and can take only hours to achieve.

Then How to lose 20 pounds fast and permanently?

The key to weight loss is metabolism, the higher your metabolism, the more body fat you'll burn even when you aren't doing anything. Here are some proven tips to increase your metabolism like crazy.

Eat 4 meals a day, Breakfast is the most important meal.

Research has shown that if you eat frequently, you keep your body's metabolism high and running longer , this means you will burn more calories in a day. Eating a healthy breakfast is also crucial to increase your Metabolism.

Drink as much water as you can.

To increase the weight loss process you must drink much water each day. Drinking water is healthy to your body and will boost your metabolism all day long.

Exercise is the best way to burn calories.

Exercise also helps burn calories and increase your metabolism.30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week we can lose pounds of body fat a month. If you go on an effective diet and the results will be even more terrific!

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How to Lose 20 Pounds in 4 Weeks

You are seeking for the best method to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks? You come to the right place, It is actually very easy to lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks using a miracle "calorie shifting diet" or "idiot proof diet". In this article I will show you how to lose 20 pounds fast step by step using a calorie shifting diet.

Losing 20 pounds in 4 weeks means you have to lose 5 pounds every week. The question is how to lose 5 pounds in just 7 days without harmful drugs, boring workouts or starvation? That's right, you have to boost your metabolism and keep it running high. Because the higher your metabolism, the more body fat you'll burn even when you aren't doing anything.

Step 1. Eat the right food at the right time.

To lose 20 pounds fast you should not starve yourself, consume extreme low calories or skip meals since irregular meals slow down your metabolism which will destroy your weight loss effort. So you must eat the weight loss foods 4 times a day and stick to a diet plan for 4 weeks.

Step 2. Drink a lot of water

Water is the best drink for weight loss, drinking much water will speed up your metabolism and good to your healthy.

Step 3: Calorie shifting method

Calorie shifting method is an amazing diet plan, it teaches you the how to lose weight fast without starving yourself. The diet can help you lose 9-10 pounds every week permanently. Calorie shifting diet requires you to eat different calories every day in order to trick your body. By shifting your daily calories intake, your metabolism will keep high all day long. This means you will lose fat even in your sleep!

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The Difference Between Diet and Dieting

Diet and Dieting are two different things. A diet is about what you eat. Dieting is about what you don't eat. Chances are, you've been eating the way you are now for a long time. Making a change in the way that you normally eat takes a lot of will power and a real drive for change in your life.

This is especially true if you feel you are depriving yourself of something you like. To be successful with a change in your diet, (that which you eat) you need to be mentally prepared. This has several different aspects.

The first is to be rationally convinced that the game plan you intend to follow is sound.

The second is to be emotionally committed to succeeding with your plan.

Many diets start as an emotional reaction to our personal dissatisfaction with how we look or how we fear we will look on a given date. I.E. Swimming season, wedding, reunion, etc.

The advantage of the dieting plan focuses on losing weight by a certain date lies in their clear objectives and time line. Loosing weight by a deadline is something we can measure, and commit ourselves to emotionally. The rationale of loosing x pounds is measurable, the reward tangible. We as human beings can do almost anything for short or defined periods of time.

We can skip meals, skip favorite foods, and exercise fervently in the quest for a clear objective and deadline. The sum of all the pounds lost by brides prior to their weddings is roughly equal to the grains of sand on all the honeymoon destination beaches in the world combined.

Targeted dieting focused on a goal and deadline can be effective, but it is dieting and not a diet. As soon as the event is over, the prior diet re-establishes itself often kicked off with a celebratory indulgence.

The dieting worked, but did not change the diet.

For long term success, attention needs to be focused not on dieting, but rather the diet.

Rationally to be successful the new diet must be based on something you can understand and believe in. That where learning a little of the science behind a diet makes some sense. You don't need to become a scientist or even fully understand all the complicated aspects. But it does help to learn a bit about the rationale behind a lifetime diet.

Among the most successful lifetime diet formats is the Glycemic Index based diets. Originally designed to meet the specific needs of diabetics, these have been widely adopted by tens of thousands of people seeking to loose weight.

The results have been very positive for those who were successful in altering their diet to conform with the guidelines. Since this is a lifetime diet, the focus is on what can and should be eaten as well as identifying items that should be passed on, or more appropriately eaten in lesser quantities.

Here the emotional support must come from within. From a commitment to attain a healthy goal weight and then to sustain it.

This may be more difficult at first, but becomes easier as the results of the diet begin to show themselves. Thankfully, with the glycemic index based diets results are pretty dramatic after a short period of time.

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